Looking for supplemental information, applications, planning tools and more? Below, you’ll find easy access to all our forms.
Get your questions answered when you download the What is Oklahoma 529 flyer.
Everything you need to know about helping your employees save for college.
Use this form to contribute to an existing plan account.
Use this form to initiate a direct rollover from another 529 college savings plan or an Educational Savings Account (“ESA”) to an existing Oklahoma 529 account.
Use this form to open a new plan account by a trust, estate, business entity, 501(c)(3), or state or local government agency.
Use this form to change your name, address, phone number, email address, successor owner, beneficiary information, interested party or trusted contact person.
Use this form if you are designating an individual, financial advisor or other person as your agent who will have complete authority to act on your account.
Use this form if you are transferring to a different account owner or beneficiary.
Use this form to transfer account ownership due to death.
Use this form to open a new plan account by a trust, estate, business entity, 501(c)(3), or state or local government agency.
Use this form to designate or change a Registered Investment Advisor (RIA).
Use this form to contribute to an existing plan account.
Use this form to initiate a direct rollover from another 529 college savings plan or an Educational Savings Account (“ESA”) to an existing Oklahoma 529 account.
Request one of your twice-per-calendar-year investment option changes or change your future contribution allocations.
Add, change or delete your Recurring Contribution and Bank Information.
Use this form to request a full or partial qualified withdrawal, non-qualified withdrawal, or indirect rollover from your Oklahoma 529 account.
Get your questions answered when you download the What is Oklahoma 529 flyer.
The Plan Description is a document that states what Oklahoma 529 provides, how it operates and other plan specifics.
Everything you need to know about helping your employees save for college.
Establish or modify payroll direct deposit.
529 QuickView brochure is a guide for Financial Professionals on how to get started with QuickView.
Learn how Oklahoma 529 can help you save for K-12 education.
Head to our How-to page for account management information and tutorials.
Use our calculator to get a quick estimate of how much you can save for education. Estimate your savings
Learn more about Oklahoma 529 eligibility, qualifying expenses and associated fees. How our 529 works
For more information about Oklahoma 529, call 1-877-654-7284 or see the Plan Description, which includes investment objectives, risks, charges, expenses, and other important information. Read and consider it carefully before investing.
Please note: Before you invest, consider whether your or the beneficiary’s home state offers any state tax or other state benefits such as financial aid, scholarship funds and protection from creditors that are only available for investments in that state’s qualified tuition program. You should also consult your legal or tax professional for tax advice based on your own circumstances. Investments in the plan are neither insured nor guaranteed and there is the risk of investment loss.
If the funds aren’t used for qualified higher education expenses, a federal 10% penalty tax on earnings (as well as federal and state income taxes) may apply.
Oklahoma 529 is offered by the State of Oklahoma. TIAA-CREF Tuition Financing, Inc. (TFI), program manager. TIAA-CREF Individual & Institutional Services, LLC, Member FINRA, distributor and underwriter for Oklahoma 529.
The plan web site contains links to other web sites. Neither the plan nor TFI and its affiliates are responsible for the content of those other web sites. The accuracy of information on those sites cannot be confirmed.
All social media platforms are managed by the State of Oklahoma.