Blank 2022 Senate Map

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Current Senate 117 th Congress Interactive Map Contested 2022 2023 Senate 118 th Congress

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Senate Elections 2022

Upcoming Elections

^ Excludes Oklahoma seat with a special election in 2022

The arrows on the counter above the map designate the controlling party. 50-50 tie decided by Vice-President (VP)

Show 2022 Candidates Mark Kelly* Blake Masters Michael Bennet* Val Demings Marco Rubio* Raphael Warnock* Herschel Walker Michael Franken Chuck Grassley* Incumbent not running for re-election in 2022. Cheri Lynn Beasley Maggie Hassan* Don Bolduc Catherine Cortez Masto* Adam Laxalt Incumbent not running for re-election in 2022. Incumbent not running for re-election in 2022. John Fetterman Evan McMullin Patty Murray* Tiffany Smiley Mandela Barnes Ron Johnson* Patricia Chesbro Buzz Kelley Lisa Murkowski* Kelly Tshibaka Incumbent not running for re-election in 2022. Katie Britt Natalie James John Boozman* Alex Padilla* Mark Meuser Richard Blumenthal* Leora Levy Brian Schatz* Bob McDermott David Roth Mike Crapo* Tammy Duckworth* Kathy Salvi Thomas McDermott Todd Young* Mark Holland Jerry Moran* Charles Booker Gary Chambers Luke Mixon Syrita Steib John Kennedy* Chris Van Hollen* Chris Chaffee Incumbent not running for re-election in 2022. Trudy Valentine Eric Schmitt Katrina Christiansen John Hoeven* Chuck Schumer* Joe Pinion Madison Horn James Lankford* Incumbent not running for re-election in 2022. Kendra Horn Markwayne Mullin Jo Rae Perkins Krystle Matthews Brian Bengs John Thune* Incumbent not running for re-election in 2022. Peter Welch Gerald Malloy
A note about Utah

In lieu of a nominee, Democrats in Utah have endorsed independent Evan McMullin. He has said that he will not caucus with either party if he wins.

If you choose McMullin, his seat will not be added to the total of either party. The option to choose a Democratic winner in Utah has been disabled.