Closed Bids

Explore the detailed information on closed bids for various construction projects within our school district. This comprehensive list provides insights into the competitive bidding process and outcomes, offering transparency in our commitment to fair and accountable procurement practices. By reviewing the closed bids, you gain a comprehensive understanding of the vendors and contractors involved in shaping the future of our educational facilities.

We value your interest and involvement in this process, as it contributes to the success of our ongoing initiatives. If you have any questions or require additional information regarding the closed bids, please do not hesitate to reach out to our Facilities team at (319) 688-1020.




City High Annex Asbestos Abatement - 2022
Contract awarded to ECCO Midwest on 5/24/2022 - Bid Amount: $168,475.00


City High School Classrooms and Corridor Window Replacement - 2021
Contract awarded to The Wilson Group on 3/23/2021 - Bid Amount: $145,000.00



City High School Additions and Renovations Re-Bid - 2019
Contract awarded to Miron Construction on 8/13/2019 - Bid Amount: $27,617,700.00