School of Mechanical Engineering Graduate Policies and Procedures

As of Fall 2020, the ME Policies/Procedures Manual went online and was incorporated into the ME Grad website. The website contains all current information on the ME policies/procedures, in addition to other helpful information and links.

The Purdue Graduate School manual contains the minimum requirements, but ME policies may exceed the Grad School requirements and are considered the primary policy to follow in those situations.

  1. Degree Programs in Mechanical Engineering
  2. Hybrid Vehicle Systems Certificate Program
  3. Major Professor & Advisory Committee
  4. Plan of Study
  5. Registration of Classes
  6. General Academic Requirements
  7. Time Limits for ME Graduate Degree Programs
  8. Doctoral Area Exams
  9. Doctoral Preliminary Exams
  10. Final Exam (Master’s thesis & PhD, D-PhD)
  11. Graduation/Candidacy Information
  12. Expectations for TA’s & RA’s
  13. ME Building & Technical Services
  14. Academic Regulations & Student Conduct
  15. Purdue Honor Pledge

ME Graduate Office
516 Northwestern Ave. (4th floor of Wang Hall)
West Lafayette, IN 47906
(765) 494-5730
Virtual office hours available every Tues/Wed/Thurs