How to Outline a Marketing Plan in APA Format
Outlining a marketing plan in the American Psychological Association format involves describing marketing activities you intend to take to promote your products or services. Use the APA style to organize your information and cite the resources you use in your research to devise your plan. Marketing plans typically describe the initiatives undertaken by employees and include an analysis of your current situation, organizational goals, required strategies and a timetable for accomplishing these tasks. Use your plan to propose tasks spanning no more than a five-year period.
- Use word processing software to create a new document for your marketing plan. Set up your outline using the APA recommendations for parallelism, coordination, subordination and division. Each of your headings should represent a parallel structure so that if one heading starts with a verb, they all should.
- Create an outline to show the hierarchical relationship of your marketing planning information. Work with other employees to brainstorm your ideas, group related ideas, arrange material and label marketing content.
- Coordinate all your marketing information so that the content at each level has the same value or significance. Set up subordinate headings that provide more specific details than the higher level headings. Divide each heading into two or more parts.
- Allocate responsibilities and set a start and finish date for each of your marketing activities. Create a table for this content if the information requires three or more columns and rows. Following APA guidelines, double-space your table. Explain all abbreviations and special symbols. Use asterisks to indicate notes, if they are associated with specific table entries. Refer to your table in the text. Arrange information logically. For example, present information in alphabetical order.
- Assess your company's competitive position. Identify your strengths and weaknesses as well as opportunities and threats. Describe the current business environment for your industry. Describe any business partnership you have in place or plan to establish.
- Set up measurable objectives. Monitor your strategies to ensure you meet your financial targets with your marketing initiatives. Evaluate the success of your marketing activities such as developing effective branding strategies, ensuring customer satisfaction, establishing market share and defining pricing.
- Save your document. Use it in presentations to your company's executive leadership to describe your marketing plans in an organized, logical form that contains an ordered overview of your marketing activities.